- A. Definition and principles of mindfulness and meditation
- B. Explanation of the benefits and applications of mindfulness and meditation
- A. The 3 Core Skills of Mindfulness
- B. Common Myths about Mindfulness and Meditation
- C. Types of Meditation: Formal, Informal, and Retreat
- A. Scientific Research and Evidence behind Mindfulness and Meditation
- B. Effects of Mindfulness and Meditation on the Brain and Well-being
- Mind-Body Connection in Mindfulness and Meditation Practices
- A. Guided Mindful Breathing Exercise
Different Breathing Techniques (e.g., deep belly breathing, box breathing)
- A. Practice of Body Scan for Body Awareness and Relaxation
- B. Guided Body Scan Meditation Exercise
- A. Introduction to Mindful Eating
- B. Benefits of Mindful and Conscious Eating Habits
- C. Mindful Eating Exercise - Focusing on Sensory Awareness and Appreciation of Food
- A. Mindful Noise
- B. Music Meditation
- A. Concept – Monkey Mind
- B. Methods to tackle the Monkey Mind
- C. The Equation of Emotions
- R Recognize what is happening
- A Allow life to be just as it is
- I Investigate your inner experience
- N Non-Identification
- A. Routine for your Mindfulness Practice