Programme Curriculum

45 hours (4 weeks)


Rs. 7000/-

Learning Outcome

After completion of this course, participants are expected to be able to:

  1. Understand database concepts and its architecture.
  2. Understand the E R model
  3. To design and build a simple database system and demonstrate competence with the fundamental tasks involved with modelling, designing, and implementing a DBMS in MS-Access.
  4. Understand Functional Dependency and Functional Decomposition.
  5. Apply various Normalization techniques.
  6. Understand relational algebra and basic operations used in it.

Target Learners

This course is a bridge for learners having limited or no computer background and aspire to explore Database Management System domain.

Course Overview

This course introduces the fundamental knowledge about principles and techniques required in the design and implementation of database systems. Also focuses on necessity of DBMS, characteristics, architecture, components, functions and merits-demerits of using a DBMS. Design database using technique such as E-R modelling, Normalization for reducing redundancy and concept of relational data model with added relational algebra.

Database Management System

  1. Database and DBMS
  2. Comparison between traditional file v/s DBMS,
  3. Characteristics of data in database
  4. Functions of DBMS
  5. Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS
  6. DBMS users
  7. Database Administrator
  8. Role of DBA

    1. Essentials of Database Design
    2. Three level of architecture of database-External, Conceptual and Internal, Data Models concepts
      1. Unit -III E-R Modelling
        1.Entity Types
        2.Entity Set
        3.Attribute and Key
        5.Relationship Types
        6.Roles and Structural Constraints
        7.Weak Entities
        8.Specialization and Generalization

  1. ACID Properties
  2. Anomalies of un normalized Database
  3. Normal Forms
    1. 1NF
    2. 2NF
    3. 3 NF
    4. BCNF

  1. Relational Model Concept
  2. Relational Constraints
  3. Relational Algebra
  4. Select, Project, Joins
      Unit VI - MS- Access
  1. Introduction of Database
  2. DataType-Text,Number,Auto Number,Currency,Boolean,Date/Time, Memo
  3. Object-Table, Query, Forms,Reports
  4. Controls use in form and report

Learners will learn from articles, PPT, eLearning, videos, practical activities, assignments, webinars as well as discussions with fellow learners and mentors.

Certificate of Completion will be awarded to those who obtain a minimum score of 50% in all Quizzes.