Programme Curriculum

30 hours (4 weeks)


₹ 2,500/-

Learning Outcome

After completion of this course, participants are expected to be able to:

  1. Use Google Classroom, Google Assessment, Google forms, Google Meet, G-mail, Google Drive, and Google Docs in teaching–learning process.
  2. Implement Google's educational tools in practice.

Target Learners

All interested in up-skilling teaching-learning practices with Google tools.

Course Overview

Educational technology is a term used to describe a wide array of teaching-and-learning–related software and hardware that is increasingly being used in college and university classrooms. The ultimate goal of educational technology is to enable an improved learning environment, which in turn is meant to boost student outcomes. It has also been proven to increase student engagement and participation in class. With this idea in mind, this micro course discusses various tools provided by Google to enhance student engagement and participation in the class. This will help the learner to use the educational tools by Google to make the teaching–learning process an effective one.

Google Suite for Educators

  1. Technology and education
  2. Why is it Important to Use Technology in Education?, Benefits of using Technology
  3. Importance to Edu tech tools

  1. Google tools in education
  2. Google Classroom
  3. Google Assessment

  1. Google Forms
  2. Google Meet

  1. Google Docs
  2. Gmail
  3. Google Drive

Learners will learn from PPTs, eLearning material, and videos.

Certificate of Completion will be awarded to those who obtain a minimum score of 50% in all quizzes.