Programme Curriculum

60 hours (6 weeks)


₹ 3,000/-

Learning Outcome

After completion of this course, participants are expected to be able to:

  1. Identify the significance of HRD in today’s organisations.
  2. Undertake the training need analysis in the organization
  3. Design and deliver an effective training program for the identified set of employees.
  4. Measure the effectiveness of the training programs conducted.

Target Learners

Aspiring HR professionals and management students

Course Overview

Human Resource Development (HRD) is a key activity that systematically leads to the growth and development of people in organisations, and makes organisations more effective. Organizations are made up of people; their knowledge, skills, attitudes and interconnections. In order to survive and thrive, organizations need to facilitate the growth of all of these as part of an HRD strategy.
The major objective of this micro course is to explain and demonstrate the contribution of HRD in an organization and enable students to develop an ability to decide learning and training needs; and have competence in the design and delivery of learning programmes. The process of identifying needs and designing and delivering HRD interventions that are part of the course are crucial skills for all managers.

Human Resource Development

  1. Introduction to Human Resource Development
  2. Training and Organizational Environment

  1. Training Needs Analysis
  2. Learning Principles and Conditions

  1. The Training Program: Selection, Design and Delivery
  2. Assessing the Effectiveness of Training

  1. Training Audit and Cost Benefit Analysis
  2. Training for a New Economy & Skills of a Trainer

  1. Emerging Trends in Training
  2. Recruitment and Selection

  1. Performance Appraisal, Feedback and Reward Systems
  2. Quality of Work Life and Career Development

Learners will learn from articles, case studies, PPTs, eLearning material, videos, practical activities, assignments, webinars as well as discussions with fellow learners and mentors.

Certificate of Completion will be awarded to those who obtain a minimum score of 50% in all quizzes.